If you spend any time online at all you have experience with forms. They are the ultimate way of collecting information or making it simple for visitors to ask you questions. There are a multitude of different kinds of forms and as many ways to handle the information submitted on a form.
I generally work with forms that the designer or project manager have already created. I can, however, create your form from scratch, implementing the latest modern look and feel to your form.
There are several things you need to consider about your form:
Form Data
What happens with the form data? Should it:
- get emailed to you, or perhaps to a team of people?
- be saved in a database for display on your site or for download as an Excel file?
- be used to register the user to an email list or an event?
- go to a payment gateway like PayPal to complete the purchase or payment of an item or service?
Before the form is submitted, the information should be checked to make sure it is valid. Certain fields may be required, others may need to be in a certain format (dates, case numbers), and email fields should conform to the myname@company.com format.
You may require other kinds of validation. Perhaps if one option is checked, then the user must select from a list of suboptions. Or one field may depend on another. If “call me” is selected the form should check that the phone number was provided.
With forms comes spam. We can’t eliminate all spam, but we can cut it back to manageable levels. There are different kinds of Captchas (an image with letters/numbers where you enter what you see) and also a few invisible solutions. All of my form handlers automatically check the form fields for common spam terms.
Have a current form that gets spammed? I can revamp the code to take care of that. Drop me a line for a quote.
Basic Form Handler Package
My basic package includes taking a pre-made contact-style form (less than 15 fields) and
- validating the form
- formatting the form data for email delivery
- email delivery of the form data to you and up to 5 other people
Cost: $35.00
Add a captcha for just $20 more!
Email me for more information.