Tables That You Can Sort and Search

Tables, or grids, are a good way to present data on websites. I really like jQuery DataTables for handling tables of information. In the demo below you can sort by column or search the entire... read more

Responsive Newspaper-Style Columns are Easy with CSS

Newspaper or magazine-style columns are a good way to break up large blocks of text, especially if images are included.  With CSS, responsive columns are really easy to achieve. The following demo shows two blocks of columns, one with a title that spans all of the... read more

Use Tooltips to Add Context

Tooltips are boxes that pop up when a user hovers (or clicks) on a link.  They can be used to add context to an external link – for example to advise that the link leads off-site or will play a video or sound. They are also useful as a substitute for footnotes... read more

Updating Inspiration Posts Plus New Additions

Recently I’ve been going over, making sure links are working and tutorials are current.  After several server moves, a switch to https and time, I found quite a few of my Inspiration posts were out of date. Inspiration posts are neat little... read more

Review: Amazon Echo Dot (2nd Gen) and Alexa

Star Trek and science fiction prepared me as a child for computers with voice activation.  Who wouldn’t like to get information my asking a question?  How about manage a connected home with just a few phrases?  Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa and its... read more